Port-au-Prince | Part Two

Yesterday I traveled back to the slums of Grand Ravine to dive deeper into the community and the people who live there. Walking around with my translator I was told about a narrow corridor that stretches up through the center of town called the Korido Atis, meaning The Corridor of Artists. I decided to briefly show the lives of three local artists and add a little anecdote about who they are along with a brief quote about their work.

Korido Atis

The past nine days have seriously flown by. I have been busy almost every single day either shooting, or emailing or calling international NGOs to line up schedules. But I finally have time to show you what I've been working on the past few days. I traveled to the community of Solino, located right outside of the capital city, to photograph a brand new turf soccer field that was constructed in partnership with Celtic FC and Catholic Relief Services this past September. The field has already brought families and children together through programs developed by the Spiritan religious order, which is led locally by Father Michel Serro, who has started a free after school tutoring program for children everyday.