Port-au-Prince | Part One

I walked off the American Airlines plane and into an unfamiliar world. The air was hot and humid and there was a faint sound of drumming in the distance. The local people spoke a blend of Creole and French to me, as if I had any idea of what they were saying. For the first time ever, I felt out of my comfort bubble. Port-au-Prince, Haiti, is the first time I have traveled outside of the United States since a trip to Italy when I was in third grade. Over the next 11 days I will be working alongside Catholic Relief Services and USAID documenting the revitalization of some of the roughest slums in the country as well as showing the recent flood/landslide damage that has displaced thousands of families across the region. But today I wanted to show you images of my first day in the field in the community of Grand Ravine, which is known for its slums and gang wars.