I have had an incredible time living and working in Miami, Florida. The culture is something I have never experienced before and I absolutely love it. The Miami Herald staff have been nothing short of incredible and I can't thank them enough for their help getting me situated here.
This past month was filled with a lot of baseball, both college and professional, and a few incredibly emotional and personal tales of survival. Two stories that stuck out to me were of 10-month-old Teegan Lexcen, who was born with one lung and half a heart and was released from the Nicklaus Children's Hospital after 182 days in the ICU, as well as Danielle Jones, 23, who was just cleared by doctors after being put in a medically induced coma for 24 days, the result of an assault by a roommate she chose on Craigslist.
All together, southern Miami has been an eye opener. Besides the reckless, no turn signal, style of driving, everyone has been very welcoming to me. While on assignments I have been asked half a dozen times where I was from and every single time I have been gifted with the response of, "well, welcome to Miami!."
Anyway, here are a few short multimedia pieces and probably too many photos of baseball from the month of June. Thanks for looking!
Teegan Lexcen, the 10-month-old was born with only one lung and half a heart is officially released from the hospital after 182 days at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital in Miami, Florida.
A well known and loved craft brewer passes away in a car accident earlier in the month of June and the community responds with an incredible memorial.